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OAS Business Sponsorship Agreement

Welcome business owner. We would like for you to be a business sponsor of OAS chapter of Phi Beta Sigma. The annual cost is $200.00 As a sponsor, you will receive the following benefits:

1. A 15-20 minute presentation at one of our chapter's meetings.

2. Your business logo is placed on our chapter's website as one of our sponsors.

3. Table to promote your business at our annual business expo.

a. Will be able to promote your business by passing out marketing materials that promote your business.

b. Symposium is open to the pubilc; invitation will be given to all local Sigma and Zeta chapters.

c. Marketing of the event will be done by OAS Bigger and Better Business committee.

d. Entry in the Shark Tank competition.

4.Participation as a business in our Black weekend initiative.

5. Participation in our Black spend monthly initiative (will be able to provide a 10-15 minute presentation at one of our chapter meetings.

6. Shark Tank winners video will be placed on our website and each business will receive their own copy of the video.

Payment Options:

Two $100 monthly payments, first installment by 3/1/2023.
Second installment to be paid by 4/21/2023.

*Please note. Failure to comply with the installment agreement will result in you being removed as a business sponsor.

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