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Sigma Beta Club   


In the early 1950s, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity became the first Greek organization to establish a youth auxiliary group.  Under the direction of Bro. Dr. Parlett L. Moore, while serving as National Education Director, the Sigma Beta Club was founded.  Brother Moore was concerned with changing needs in our communities and recognized the important role that Sigma men could play in the lives of our youth.


The Sigma Beta Club of Omicron Alpha Sigma Chapter offers its members opportunities to exemplify wholesome values, leadership skills, educational enhancement, business training and development, and social and cultural awareness to its Sigma Beta Club members.  The chapter takes the responsibility of the mentor-mentee relationship seriously.  OAS’s Sigma Beta Club members consist of male youth from Crete-Monee High School between the ages of 14 and 18 years old.  The Mentoring Program provides men of Sigma a unique opportunity to be involved in these young males’ lives at the most critical stage in their personal development.

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